Course curriculum

    1. Double Weave Organizer

    2. 8/8 Cotton Double Weave Organizer Pattern

    3. 3/2 Cotton Double Weave Organizer Pattern

    1. Indirect Warping

    2. Indirect Warping Handout

    3. Plotting the Course of Your Warp

    4. Starting a Two Color Warp

    5. Maintaining Your Warp

    6. Preserving Your Warp

    1. Dressing the Loom with Two Heddles

    2. Dressing the Loom with Two Heddles Handout

    3. Securing the Warp Chains

    4. Winding onto the Back Beam

    5. Threading Heddle II

    6. Threading Heddle I

    7. Tying onto the Front Apron Rod

    1. Double Weave Handout

    2. Weaving One Flat Layer and Hemstitching

    3. Weaving Two Separate Layers: The Dowel Pocket

    4. Switching Layers: The Pick Up Sticks Pocket

    5. Interlocking on One Side: The 3-in-1 Tool Pocket

    6. Weaving Double Width: The Boat Shuttle Pocket

    7. Side by Side Pockets: An Introduction

    8. Side by Side Pockets: Interlocking the weft

    9. Side by Side Pockets: Interchanging the Weft

    1. Tubular Double Weave

    2. Weaving a Tube with Two Layers

    3. Fixing Mistakes: The Weft

    4. Fixing Mistakes: The Warp

    5. Fixing Mistake: Doubled Warps at the Fold

About this course

  • $45.00
  • 30 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

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